Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nice Warm Day to be hunted by Bigfoot

Today, officially started when I had finished caving.  But I slept until 11.  Then around 12 I went to lunch and then came back to my room deciding how to spend this nice warm day we had.  I talked to a few friends to see if they wanted to go hiking.  Most of them couldn't.  So it ended up being two guys that live on my floor, Benjamin and Critter.  Both of them went caving last night.  So at 2 we set off on the cross country trails and then went on the farthest trails up along some of the ridges.  We didn't stop there.  We set out on our own and hiked up two more ridges to the point when we reached the top of the third one we could barely see the campus way, way, way off in the distance.  We had a great time talking.  Benjamin is a Christian.  Critter, I am not sure.  He is open to the Bible and being a Christian.  he is showing promising signs.  But overall we had a good time. Critter even asked me to bring my Bible so we could possibly do a little devotion or something on the hike, but we forgot to do it.

We finally got back over the second two ridges and made it back onto one of the paths.  We hiked the rest of that and got back to campus by 6.

Now, where does this "Bigfoot" come in?  Well when we were way out there in the middle of nowhere and off the path in the forest, we started hearing leaves rustling.  Benjamin said it was probably just a squirrel, but there was no life out there.  Well it turned out it got louder and more frequent.  So we investigated the noise.  Soon it sounded like something was running through the leaves and we could hear it quite loudly.  We looked for people or deer, or even a dog.  But Benjamin and I couldn't see anything through the trees from our positions.  However, Critter was in a better vantage point and saw something big and black with a white face run up the side of the ridge.  It was going pretty fast.  Benjamin and I probably could have saw it, but the hills and ridges played games with the noises and it was hard to tell where the sound was really coming from.  So we now have a Bigfoot that roams the local forests around Berea.

Later on after we tried to chase whatever had ran up the ridge so we could get a better look we began to smell smoke.  It was a wood fire and it smelled good.  We began thinking.  It was not cold enough outside for a fire to be built in a house, and there wasn't a house around anyways.  Then soon we came across some orange tape around trees.  It formed a line.  We figured it was a property line.  Then the thought of possibly stumbling upon somebody's still wasn't worth getting shot so we decided not to press it.

And so that was my adventure for today...

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